How to Write a Thank You Note

Writing thank you notes may be one of the most dreaded writing activities in existence. While everyone appreciates gifts and thoughtful acts of kindness, most people tend to procrastinate when it comes time to capture that gratitude in a thank you note. It can be difficult to find the right words, which makes the process…
What is Plagiarism and How Can I Avoid It?

Plagiarism is a serious offense that comes with significant consequences. Worst of all, most students who plagiarize don’t realize they’re doing anything wrong. It’s heartbreaking to put in hours of time and effort only to find out that your hard work has resulted in a plagiarized paper and the reputation of being a cheater. The…
Do You Need an Intensive Grammar Review?

The middle school and high school levels of Essentials in Writing jump right into composition. Students who need a refresher in basic grammar concepts, however, may benefit from watching the Intensive Grammar Review videos before starting the first composition lesson. Another option is to use these videos as a resource if Mr. Stephens brings up…