What is Plagiarism and How Can I Avoid It?
Posted In Student Center | Posted By Susan YorkPlagiarism is a serious offense that comes with significant consequences. Worst of all, most students who plagiarize don’t realize they’re doing anything wrong. It’s heartbreaking to put in hours of time and effort only to find out that your hard work has resulted in a plagiarized paper and the reputation of being a cheater. The best way to avoid this difficult situation is to understand what constitutes plagiarism and to develop strong research skills.
Don’t let plagiarism get in the way of your academic future! Check out these videos to find out what you need to know about plagiarism and how you can avoid it.
What is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is taking credit for someone else’s work without giving proper credit. Most students know better than to copy from a book or internet source or to pay someone else to write an assignment, but did you know that even paraphrases of research materials must be properly cited? Educate yourself so that you can protect your academic reputation against the perils of plagiarism.
How To Avoid Plagiarism?
Paraphrasing plagiarism is the most common form of plagiarism, and most of the time, students don’t realize they’re committing a form of academic dishonesty. Once you understand exactly what it is, you can develop research and writing processes that will help you avoid paraphrasing plagiarism. Watch the video to see a guided demonstration of how to collect research notes and convert them into a piece of writing that is completely original. By following these simple processes, you can avoid plagiarism and keep your academic reputation intact.
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